
Her name is Alice ( but her nickname shadory), She is 23 years old and she’s from Russia, St. Petersburg.

She started cosplay for a long time. She decided to share her work to all! She’s very inspired to create new images and work on herself, her figure and her skills (make-up and tailoring of costumes). In every image she put a part of her soul (☆▽☆)
With all the support, she will make dreams come true and also share the creation process and the result with you!


@shadory_cos on Instagram

Twitch Live Stream:

Official Accounts & Links:

:lock: OnlyFans

:flower_playing_cards: Patreon

:camera: Instagram

:triangular_flag_on_post: Facebook Fan Page

:bird: Twitter

:musical_note: TikTok

:joystick: Twitch


This is a fan submitted listing intended to support and promote this creator. It is also for commentary and discussion purposes.